Jumat, 11 September 2009

libur telah tiba

akhirnya gue bisa ngepost lagi detelah komputer atas ngepet wkwkwkwkw

okokok hari ini libur! yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! hahaha

(kagak jelas)

Selamat liburan jangan lupa oleh-oleh ye yang mudik and have fun!

Jumat, 04 September 2009


halo-halo, hari ini gue pengen shring2 lirik lagu kayak yang dulu-dulu, heheh tapi yang ini agak "sedikit" keras well actually this band is death metalcore gue seneng liriknya, soalnya bermakna gitu deeh haha tapi kalo lagunya hehe, yeaaa just figure it out by your ear. this is it, as blood runs black with my fears have become phobias (yang penasaran lagunya silahkan check di as blood runs black)

A mass suppression depressed by life unsure what he's to live for
But then away came the better days when life opened its new doors
Struggling for a way everyday to live life not to fail but succeed
Overcoming on overwhelming load of power and greed
Break the chains
That grab one's soul
[chant:] break these chains, that take control
Break these chains, that take control

Wasting all that's left of a day
Watching time just fly away on his own
Dreams are surpassing him by
Why not live life to it's fullest and give it a try

How much does one simply have to conquer what he's become?
And how many others can say my fears have become phobias?


How much should one take for granted?
He's changed by life in order to see that he can succeed
And how can you?

We'll break the chains
We'll break the chains

A mass suppression depressed by life unsure what he's to live for
But then away came the better days when life opened its new doors
Struggling for a way everyday to live life not to fail but to succeed

I will believe
I will believe
I will believe
I will succeed

Taken from http://darklyrics.com/lyrics/asbloodrunsblack/allegiance.html#3

Ketika Bekas Kamar Gue Udah Jadi Abu

taun lalu anak labschool rawamangun berduka gara2 baru beberapa hari lulus smp mereka terbakar gara-garanya sekelompok orang yang melakukan eksperimen bahan bakar meleduk dan menghanguskan gedung sekolah, taun ini, gantia gue dan segenap anak smp internat alkausar boarding school yang nyesek, gimana ngga? asrama yang sempet gue dan kawan-kawan tinggali selama 3 taun ludes seperempatnya kemakan si brengsek merah, ceritanya selasa malem gue lagi iseng-iseng twitteran sama temen smp gue, tiba-tiba dia nge tweet gue "lor, asrama smp kebakaran" dengan segenap kespontanan cihuyy gue langsung terenyak alhamdulillah asrama gue kebakaran, eh bukan haha no offense allright, just kidding, shock lumayan gue, kamar-kamar laknat yang bisa menjadi tempat permaksiatan itu hangus? (not really what i mean, just a hiperbolic) waw dan lebih hebatnya lagi, itu tempat kelas 3 yang sekarang di pake kelas 1 yang baru masuk dan barangnya ludes semua, rabu pagi cantika ngomong "weh pat! smp lo angus ye? wkwkw gue liat di tipi masak" hebat, sekolah gue makin eksis aja deh, masuk tipi hahaha, terus gue ngebrows di internet kagak dapet beritanya hmm. akhirnya hari kemis gue di tag-in sama adek kelas gue dan ini lah beberapa fotonya:


disinilah letak puing-puing kamar gue
tepat si petugas yang paling sana nyemprotin

let the show begin: damn flare burned down my dorm

Yak itu lah beberapa gambaran yang gue dapet dari adek kelas gue, sabar ya coy, jarang2 ko kaya gini hahaha

bye, i'm gonna moshing \m/(-_-)\m/